Gnoming Around The World

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

i'm prosting, i'm prosting... haha cheers


Bratwurst in Germany (Munich)

Daniel and his girls (Würzburg, Germany)

Just in case you'd forgotten... (Rotterdam, Holland)

Buskers in Amsterdam (Holland)

Battle of Arnhem Memorial (Arhem, Holland)

just another cheesy photo (Utrecht, Holland)

...but we made it! (Copenhagen, Denmark)

400 steps, 90 metres high, swaying in the wind :-)

Behind us is the church in which OUR Princess Mary got married. (Copenhagen, Denmark)

tchooga tchooga, tchooga tchooga, toot toot!

3 happy campers?

ice ice baby - aaahh (Icebar, Stockholm)

Fine dining - backpacker style! (Stockholm)

We had to do it - it's the biggest one IN THE WORLD!! (IKEA, Stockholm)

Monday, September 18, 2006

Update :-)

Hallo from Holland! (Country #5...)
Just thought we'd let you know whats been happening! We left Norway last Sunday and spent four awesome days exploring the extravagant buildings of Stockholm (e.g. the biggest IKEA in the world!). Took a night train to Denmark on Thursday sharing a tiny cabin with 3 smelly people and a big (smelly) dog! Ran around for a day in Copenhagen, didn't get a chance to catch up with Mary because we were preoccupied climbing 400 steps up a 90m church steeple and eating icecream. Then took a night train through Germany (Country #4 - their train stations are nice!!) to Amsterdam, this time sharing with 6 noisy drunken German soccer fanatics who thought it was funny to yell chants and shout out the windows till 3am! (The joys of backpacking!!) :-) We're on our second day in Holland. Had a whirlwind tour of Amsterdams canals yesterday and are now staying with one of Emma's rellies in Arnhem (beautiful place in the east of the country). We randomly arrived here on the rememberance weekend of the Battle of Arnhem of WWII so we've been the Osterbeek Taptoe (a marching band dance-off ) and a Memorial Service. Exploring the rest of Holland this week before catching up with Daniel (Michelle and Charlene's dad) in Austria on the weekend.
Hope to get some photos up soon!
Wish you were all here!
LOTS of Love from Charlene, Michelle & Emma

Friday, September 01, 2006


a digeridoo... yup, this is norway!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Another photo...

this is a old lighthouse in the middle of the Oslo fjord... its no longer in use but apparently has been decked out as a restaurant/function centre...


this is just a random photo from a town called Kongsberg that we visited... (my parents and i stopped on the river bank for a picnic lunch :-))

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


thanks for uploading the photo chaz :-P
update on what i've been up to:
been in europe for a bit over 5 weeks... had a couple days in the netherlands at the beginning and have been in norway since. theres been a lot of visiting relatives and some sightseeing as well and now i'm killing time waiting for Chaz and Michelle to arrive here (on saturday - YAY!)... and thats about it :-)
will try post some photos
- em